Tacs Time

Everyone once in a while, I cant resist the urge...well two urges. One is a debatably clever pun for a post title, and the other is falling into the "bloggers blogging about blogging and other bloggers" curse.

This note is one I believe is worthy though, as a new HP (NYSE HPQ) Blog has been kicked off by a colleague, Tac Anderson, currently the "Web 2.0 Strategic lead" for the LaserJet business. Prior to joining HP, though, Tac was a Web 2.0 consultant who actually helped me get over the hump in getting this blog, JimLyonsObservations.com, up and going almost two years ago.

Tacs new blog, Marketing Impressions, "is dedicated to bringing you the best tips, tricks and ideas to make you and your business look its best through effective use of marketing material". The new blog joins HPs Small & Medium Business Community Blog in providing advice to Small Businesses on how to enhance their marketing and business acumen, which usually seems to involve the use of hard copy printed by HP printers.

I welcome Marketing Impressions and am adding it to my blogroll on the right. I look forward to reading Tacs future posts, which I expect to be regular and frequent but not too lengthy!

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